Our Brand Is In France Markets

Our Brand Is In France Markets

As of the date of its establishment, Bahçe Agricultural products produced in Malatya and shared with the world are now consolidating their place in French Chain Markets. The Bahçe Tarım family, which was established in Malatya in 2019 and continues its exports in all countries of the world without slowing down, has left its competitors behind on the shelves in French markets recently.

France, which has recently increased its export rate in dried fruits, nuts and Turkish delight, continues to offer a place in the Turkish brands Bahçe Tarıma markets. With its growing company, solid and energetic staff, Bahçe Tarım will continue to grow in the coming years. aims to rank first in exports. "As our company evolves, so do all of our employees. We want to give them this opportunity."

2020 Company Development Playing an important role in the export of Malatya apricot, whose taste is known by the world, to France with 6 thousand 942 tons, Bahçe Tarım continued to sweeten the palate in France this year as well. Among the company targets, it was stated that the production and storage capacity of the factory will be increased from 1500 tons to 3000 tons